Welcome Airboat Rides at Midways newest pet Kris P. Bacon
Airboat Rides at Midway would like to introduce their newest pet, Kris P. Bacon, an almost five-month-old mini pot-belly pig born on April 1, 2022.
According to the American Mini Pig Association, Mini pigs are not all Vietnamese Potbellied Pigs. The American Mini Pig has several different pig varieties in their breeding, some with no potbellied genetics at all. These are smaller mixed breeds of swine with a unique build that differs from other miniature types, like the Gottengin, Yucatan, and Minnesota Mini Pig.
A standard mini pig can range from 35 – 50 cm tall and weigh between 50 – 150 pounds when fully grown, but any breed of pig that weighs under 350 pounds is considered a miniature pig.
Pigs are omnivores and need a balance of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber, and carbohydrates. As pigs usually enjoy a variety of vegetables and fruits in their diet, explains Kris P’s love of apples, strawberries, and salads, and his favorite pastime is playing around in his pool.
Meet Kris P. Bacon and the other animals that live onsite after your next Airboat tour with Airboat Rides at Midway!
Source: Mini Pig Facts and Myths – American Mini Pig Association; 12 Things to know before adopting a mini pig – BC SPCA
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